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Abraham, Flabiano

Abraham, Flabiano

Rank and Name, Private First Class Flabiano Abraham.

Unit/Placed in on, 57th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Scouts.


Flabiano is born in the Philippines.


Parents and Sibling, No Record Available.


Flabiano enlisted the U.S.Army in Philippines with service number # 6610672.


Flabiano was KIA on March 31, 1945, Private First Class Flabiano Abraham is honored with a  Purple Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Flabiano is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Wall of the missing.


Thanks to Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

57th Infantry Regiment (PS)
Philippine Scout Badge
His rank Private First Class

Adkins, Elmer

Adkins, Elmer

Rank and Name, Private First Class Elmer Adkins.

Unit/Placed in, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division “Tropic Lightning “.


Elmer is born in 1920 in Huntington, West Virginia.


Parents and Sibling, No Record Available.


Elmer enlisted the U.S.Army in West Virginia with service number # 36771870.


Elmer was KIA on the Umingan Road near San Jose, Philippines on Feb. 6, 1945, he is honored with a  Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Elmer is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Wall of the missing.


Thanks to https://www.25thida.org/division/wwii-chronology/ Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

35th Infantry Regiment
25th Infantry Division
His rank Private First Class

Aboosh, Edward J.

Aboosh, Edward J.

Rank and Name, Private First Class Edward J. Aboosh.

Unit/Placed in on, 5th Cavalry Regiment “Black Nights “, 1st Cavalry Division.


Edward is born in 1924 in Carnegie, Pennsylvania.


Parents and Sibling, No Record Available.


Edwin enlisted the U.S.Army in Pennsylvania with service number # 33678850.


Edwin died of his wounds at the fights over the Marikina River, near Manila on March 10, 1945, Private First Class Edwin J. Aboosh is honored with a  Purple Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Edwin is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Wall of the missing.


Thanks to https://1cda.org/ Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

5th Cavalry Regiment
1st Cavalry Division
His rank Private First Class

Allgood, Earl Bellgood

Allgood, Earl Bethell

Rank and Name, Private First Class Earl Bethell Allgood.

Unit/Placed in, 169th Infantry Regiment, 43rd Infantry Division”Winged Victory”.


Earl is born approx. 1916 in Missisippi.


Father, Young Allgood.

Mother, Bethell Allgood.


Earl enlisted the service in Missisippi with service number # 34274947.


Earl was KIA attached to the 112th Cavalry Regiment conducting recon at the Shimbu Line on April 27, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Distinguished Unit Citation, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Earl is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.


Thanks to http://www.43rd-infantry-division.org/ Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC, https://abmc.gov

P.O.W. info, Wes Injerd and Dwight Rider, http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html  Air-Force, Rolland Swank NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org

Philippine Scouts Heritage Society,http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/   

Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org    

Hendriks Webdesign, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

169th Infantry Regiment
43th Infantry Division
Headstone Form.
His rank Private First Class

Adams, Clyde D.

Adams, Clyde D.

Rank and Name,  Private First Class Clyde D. Adams.

Unit/placed; 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division.


Clyde was born on 1922 in Saline, Missouri.


Father, David A. Adams.

Mother, Myrtle Adams.


Clyde enlisted the U.S.Army in Missouri with service number # 37397055.


Clyde died of wounds sustained at Baguio, Luzon, on April 26, 1945, he is honored with a  Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Clyde is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Wall of the missing.


Thanks to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/37th_Infantry_Division_(United_States) Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

148th Infantry Regiment
37th Infantry Division
His rank Private First Class

Martin, Ben

Martin, Ben

Rank and Name, Private First Class Ben Martin.

Unit/Placed in, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division.


Ben is born 1921 in Clark, West Virginia.


Father, Herman Martin.

Mother, Fannie Martin.

Brother, Edwin, Charles C. and Edwin Martin.


Ben enlisted the service in West Virginia with service number # 35084703.


Ben was KIA when the Regiment took position to conquer the Wawa-Dam on June 4, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Expeditionary Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Ben is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Walls of the missing.


Thanks to Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC, https://abmc.gov

P.O.W. info, Wes Injerd and Dwight Rider, http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html  AirForce, Rolland Swank NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org

Philippine Scouts Heritage Society,http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/   

Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org    

Hendriks Webdesign, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

34th Infantry Regiment
24th Infantry Division
Leyte Map
His rank Private First Class

Martin, Arthur R.

Martin, Arthur R.

Rank and Name, Private First Class Arthur R. Martin.

Unit/Placed in, 163rd Infantry Regiment, 41rd Infantry Division “Sunsetters”.


Arthur is born in Illinois.


Parents and Siblings, no record available.


Arthur enlisted the service in Illinois with service number # 3668771.


Arthur was KIA during the battle over Zamboanga City in fierce resistance by the Japanese on March 13, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Combat Action Badge, Distinguished Unit Citation, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Arthur is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Thanks to https://history.army.mil/brochures/southphil/southphils.htm Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC, https://abmc.gov

P.O.W. info, Wes Injerd and Dwight Rider, http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html  AirForce, Rolland Swank NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org

Philippine Scouts Heritage Society,http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/   

Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org    

Hendriks Webdesign, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

163rd Infantry Regiment
41st Infantry Division
Casualty List
Airport Zanboanga
His rank Private First Class

Aldrich, Tench Brower

Aldrich, Tench Brower

Rank and Name,Private First Class Tench Brower Aldrich.

Unit/Placed in,188th Glider Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division “Angels.


Tench is born on Sep. 19, 1924 in Boy River, Minnesota.

Father,Ralph B. Aldrich .

Mother, Sarah M. (House) Aldrich.

Brother, Charles O. Aldrich.


Tench enlisted the service in Oregon with service number # 39462530.



Tench was KIA at Manila on Feb. 10, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Tench is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Walls of the missing.


Thanks to  http://www.ww2-airborne.us/18corps/11abn/11_overview.html Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC,  https://abmc.gov Info P.O.W.

Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider: http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html

NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society, Sean Conjenos, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org Navy Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/ Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/


188th Glider Infantry Regiment
11th Airborne Division
F-Company 188th
His rank Private First Class

Alexander, Herman Lowell

Alexander, Herman Lowell

Rank and Name,Private First Class Herman Lowell Alexander.

Unit/Placed in,20th Infantry Regiment, 6th Infantry Division“Red Star“.


Herman is born on Aug. 2, 1921 in Illinois.


Parents and Sibling, No Record Available.


Herman enlisted the service in Illinois with service number # 36066883.



Herman was KIA in the fights over Munoz, Philippines on Feb. 2, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Silver Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and the WWII Victory Medal.


Herman is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial  Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Walls of the missing.

He also has a Memorial Grave at, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Crab Orchard, Williamson County, Illinois, USA.


Thanks to https://www.6thinfantry.com/ ABMC, https://abmc.gov  http://navylog.navymemorial.org ,  Jean Louis Vijgen , Familysearch.com  https://www.familysearch.org Philippine Scouts Heritage Society http://www.philippine-scouts.org/ Sean Cojenos, Honorstates http://www.honorstates.org,  Geoffrey Roecker https://missingmarines.com/ P.O.W. : http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html  Wes Injerd, Dwight Rider, Armand Hendriks https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/


20th Infantry Regiment
6th Infantry Division
Luzon Map with Munoz
Silver Star Medal
His rank Private First Class

Allerton, Dennis R.

Allerton, Dennis R.

Rank and Name, Private First Class Dennis R. Allerton.

Unit/Placed in, 152nd Infantry Regiment, 38th Infantry Division“Cyclone”.


Dennis is born approx. 1912 in Florida.


Parents and Siblings, No Record Available.

Wife, Lilian M. (Gonzalez) Allerton.


Dennis enlisted the service in Florida with service number # 34531488.


Dennis was KIA in the fights over the “Zig Zag Pass” on Feb. 13, 1945, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, American Campaign Medal, Distinguished Unit Citation, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Dennis is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.


Thanks to https://www.armydivs.com/38th-infantry-division/

Jean Louis Vijgen, ABMC, https://abmc.gov

P.O.W. info, Wes Injerd and Dwight Rider, http://www.mansell.com/pow-index.html  Air-Force, Rolland Swank NavyLog, http://navylog.navymemorial.org Familysearch.com, https://www.familysearch.org

Philippine Scouts Heritage Society,http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Marines Info Geoffrey Roecker, https://missingmarines.com/   

Medals Info, http://www.honorstates.org    

Hendriks Webdesign, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

152nd Infantry Regiment
38th Infantry Division
Map ZigZas Pass
His rank Private First Class